Otherkin 101

Otherkin is an identity.Individuals who are otherkin identify as a species they were not born as.They can still identify as human alongside their other species, but not all do.Species identities are called kintypes.
eg: someone who identifies as a cat, has a cat kintype.

Fictionkin is an identity.Individuals who are fictionkin identify as a fictional species or character they were not born as.A fictional identity (species or specific character) is called a kintype. Some fictionkin use fictotype instead.

Otherkin is NOT:

Otherkin is NOT:

Roleplaying can be very helpful to ease one's species dysphoria, or to gain species euphoria!However, roleplaying is the process of taking on a role temporarily in order to act out or write scenes. An otherkin identity is a constant aspect of one's person.

Otherkin is NOT:

Individuals whose kintype have done questionable things in their source material, or are a stigmatized animal, do not automatically condone or want to repeat these actions.An individual's personality and moral code is not determined by their kintype's. There may be similarities at times, but a kintype is only one part of what makes an individual who they are.

> An umbrella term for all individuals who experience humanity in an "alternate" way. Also means "an alternative to humanity".
> Furries, Multiples, and neurodivergent individuals can fall under this term, though not everyone who meets the definition uses it.
Feral animal-specific version of Otherkin. Therians have their own history, but individuals of both communities share similar experiences.
A term that became misunderstood, and developed through a series of events by individuals from outside the otherkin community. Originally it was used as a derogatory word toward otherkin, and has since been taken entirely out of context and claimed by "stans" and roleplayers.
> The sudden oncoming of mental, phantom, or other awareness of one's kintype.
> Originates from the Therian community's history on the website alt.horror.werewolves, where understanding of nonhuman identity was filtered through a werewolf-themed lense.
> eg: Sudden feeling of supernumerary limbs such as phantom wings or tails; or becoming more animal-like (nonverbal communication, wanting to run or dig, etc.)
Species Dysphoria/Euphoria:
> The upset or unease of one's physical body not matching their species identity.
eg: not having paws, not being able to run on 4 legs, etc.
> The happiness or joy at being treated as or acting like their species identity.
eg: being pet, perching up high, etc.